
tarantahI've been watching the news lately and I saw this Meralco Appliance Calculator(MAC) in one of the reports. Since I'm online anyway so why not check it out. Here is what I opened from their site (M-A-C). It was good to know which appliances consumes more. You can also read some tips and pointers there, to lessen your consumption.

In addition, your monthly bill shows you different charges, as mentioned on the radio I happened to be listening upon, namely:
1.Generation Charge- it is the payment for the electricity generated by suppliers such as the National Power Corporation, and Independent Power Producers.
2.Transmission Charge-is the payment to The National Transmission Company or TransCo. for the delivery of electricity from power generating plants.
3.Distribution Charge-is the charge for the service of delivering electricity to the consumers.
4.System Loss- the payment for the losses due to transmissions, illegal connections are also paid by the consumers here.

Looking at my billing statements, almost 15% of it comes from system losses :(

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